Thursday, April 28, 2011

Rivers, Karst and Glacial Aftermath

In the movies How To Train your Dragon, there are landscapes that are in every type. There are the river formats, karst and aftermath from glaciers. The rivers were set in various places and many rivers looked to have banks to them. The banks are areas where the rivers flow into and creates and turn while it moves. The aftermath from glaciers pull dry land away from each other and creates coast and rocks to be different height levels.

From this image, you see there are karst. The karst cause the water to be settled in many area because the rocks are in different shapes and levels.

This image is a point bar from rivers. The land cuts off the water to flow in a different direction from where it came from.

The aftermath from the glacials cause the end of the island to have parts of it to be in the water. It creates coasts that has one end to be at a higher elevation of water.

The rocks in the back look to be karst. It looks that the glacers from many years ago came by and pulled some pieces of the land and left the rocks to be how it is.

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